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La protection du client est notre priorité
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JB-AVOCATS : Votre Partenaire de Confiance pour les Affaires Juridiques

Notre Cabinet d'Avocats : Expertise et Engagement Juridique

JB-AVOCATS est un cabinet d’avocats polyvalent apportant des solutions juridiques personnalisées et adaptées au contexte et à la particularité des clients et des affaires. Le cabinet est ainsi la rencontre de compétences concordantes et complémentaires développées dans différents domaines du droit.

Notre objectif est d’assurer un accompagnement efficace de nos clients – personnes morales ou physiques – dans la prise de décisions, les montages juridiques, les négociations et la résolution des litiges par voie judiciaire, médiation et/ou arbitrage.

About Me
biography & experience Awards & Honours

When it comes to providing legal malpractice expert opinion and testimony, there is no substitute for over 30 years of experience, thousands of cases, and numerous arbitrations, mediations, court, and jury trials. Add to this all of the “factors” behind numerous testimonials, recommendations, and awards and you have a proven formula for success in your next legal malpractice case

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Phosfluorescently engage worldwide methodologies with web-enabled technology. Interactively coordinate proactive e-commerce via process-centric “outside the box” thinking. Completely pursue scalable customer service through sustainable potentialities.

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hands-on experience

Recent Case Studies

Our commitment and dedication to continually move forward enables us to improve our representation and provide you with a service you can’t find anywhere else.


What Clients Say About Us?

I'm the best lawyer that can help you win

Call Me +2.650-603-0553

If you can manipulate news, a judge can manipulate the law. A smart lawyer can keep a killer out of jail, a smart accountant can keep a thief from paying taxes, a smart reporter could ruin your reputation- unfairly.

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Contact me and I will talk and advise on the problem you are facing

Research & Analysis

I will study your case carefully and come up with a good solution

Start To Work

Now I will fight with all my might for victory and justice for you

+212 522 473 207

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